Shakespeare on Silent Film: A Strange Eventful History. William Shakspere’s Small Latine & Lesse Greeke. The Organization and Personnel of the Shakespearean Company. On the Literary Genetics of Shakspere’s Plays, 1592–1594. Renaissance Literary Theory and Practice: Classicism in the Rhetoric and Poetic of Italy, France, and England 1400–1600.

La Vie et l’oeuvre de William Shakespeare. A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Critical Essays. Chronotope and Repression in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The Development of Shakespeare as a Dramatist. On the Received Text of Shakespeare’s Dramatic Writings and Its Improvement. The Lamentable Tragedy of Titus Andronicus. The Philosophy of Shakespeare’s Plays Unfolded. William Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Spirits, Ghosts, Demons in Shakespeare and Milton. Volume 1 of Asimov’s Guide to Shakespeare. Conventional Material in Munday’s John a Kent and John a Cumber. Clef pour Shakespeare: Ésotérisme de l’œuvre shakespearienne. The King of Comedy: The Role of the Ruler and the Rule of Law in Shakespeare’s Comedies.

Shakespeare’s Imagination: A Study of the Psychology of Association and Inspiration. The Dismemberment of Orpheus: Mythic Elements in Shakespeare’s Romances. Shakespeare and the Green World: Images of Flight and Fancy. The Excellent Comedy, called The Old Law: or A New Way to Please You. An Exact and Perfect Catalogue of all Ther Plaies that Were Ever printed Together, with All the Authors Names and What are Comedies, Histories, Interludes, Masks, Pastorels, Tragedies. A Transcript of the Register of the Company of Stationers of London 1554–1640. Toward a Star that Danced: Woman as Survivor in Shakespeare’s Early Comedies. The Sense of an Ending in Shakespeare’s Early Comedies. Nendeln, Liechtenstein: Kraus Reprint Ltd., 1966.) Shakspere’s Delineations of Female Friendship. Notes on William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Literary and Graphical Illustrations of Shakspeare, and the British Drama. An Examen of the New Comedy, call’d The Suspicious Husbandtitle> with some Observations upon our Dramatick Poetry and Authors. Containing Letters and Dissertations, Together with Poetical Essays, on Various Subjects and Occasions Chiefly Wrote by Several Hands in the West-Indies, etc. W-’s Preface to his Edition of Shakespear, Together with Some Remarks on the Many Errors and False Criticisms in the Work Itself. 1973, and privately circulated with a supplement. Unresolved Bibliographical Problems in the Shakespeare First Folio. Supplement to The Two Compositors in the Pavier Quartos: Implications for Bibliographical Investigation of the First Folio. The Two Compositors in the Pavier Quartos: Implications for Bibliographical Investigation of the First Folio. The Pavier Quartos of 1619-Evidence for Two Compositors. Remythologizing The Knight’s Tale: A Midsummer Night’s Dream and The Two Noble Kinsmen.

From Festivity to Spectacle: The Canterbury Tales, Fragment I and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Elizabethan Psychology and Shakespeare’s Plays. A Kind of Wild Justice: Revenge in Shakespeare’s Comedies. Schriften der Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft 1. Randglossen zu Shakespeare’s Belesenheit. The Meaning of Nedar in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. A Reader’s Guide to Shakespeare and His Contemporaries. Brief Chronicles: A Survey of the Plays of Shakespeare and the Elizabethans in Actual Performance. Shakespeare’s Rough Magic: Renaissance Essays in Honor of C. A Spirit of Giving in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Men and the Goddess: Feminine Archetypes in Western Literature. Metatheatre: A New View of Dramatic Form.